Sunday, February 17, 2008

Week 6: two kinds of algorithm

Here's what I'm asking us to look at:
Casti's book is very good at explaining basic features of Turing's machine, cellular automata, L-systems, and game of life. there are the four basic food groups. they are an extended discussion of what we see in Rocker.
However, i want you to consider in what sense and why they are related to issues of emergence and complexity.
Now, so here we are. We looked at Geometry and Topology as models of meaning. We also looked at what Topology adds (and what is also problematic about its use) to the issues of archtiecture's use of geometry.
What interests me here is what does computation/emergence/complexity add? I don't think we're far enough into the semester to really say, but i'd like to continually give it a shot.

On the two algorithms. The other texts and the websites i've asked you to look at expand on the problem of the algorithm in Leibniz. The one, the algorithm is used in calculus for calculating the rate of change - -so its an expedient. The other, is a system of thinking -- and communicating. And so here we are again back at the issue of the syllogism in a way.

Finally, i want us to look again at Durand and see just how interesting it is to note what is happening in his Precis. these are lectures and material for engineering students that are now being trained as architects -- so there is a pedagogical component. But Hernandez makes it clear that he is underlining an incredible transformation in method.

I don't think we can call it computational, but i think we can call it protocomputational and i'll say why during class. For now, just note the issue of a kind of combinatorial logic.

1 comment:

Martin said...

The game life, the turing machine, CA, and so on are programs that work with a finite set of instructions that in varying combinations lead for patterns, or even conclusions to emerge.

It is fascinating for many to see these sometimes somewhat recognizable patterns emerge -- maybe because of a larger self similarity(or Jungian connection?) . And perhaps there is even a glimpse of how life itself works.

Ultimately, I still believe, the variables in any system of human interaction - ie architecture- will forever be too complex for us.we will always have art, an educated hunch, (statistics ?) etc.

Unless, of course that is all part of some larger, pro-scribed pattern -- in which case one can just take the blue pill and call it a day.